Our Services
A forensic interview is a consultation in which information from a child is obtained in an objective, unbiased, and developmentally and culturally sensitive manner that is fact finding in nature. The forensic interview is conducted in a legally defensible manner by someone who has received specialized training in the area of forensic interviewing of children. One of the primary goals of the forensic interview is to ascertain whether or not a crime has taken place. For this reason, the results of the interview are documented in such a way that they can stand up under judicial inquiry.
Our forensic interview services are provided to children ages 3 to 18. They can also be conducted for adults with developmental challenges who are suspected of being exploited or abused. Forensic interviews are provided at zero cost to families.
Every forensic interview is digitally recorded and is observed by members of an involved investigative team from a separate observation room. To help improve trust between the child and interviewer, the forensic interviewer informs the child, when developmentally appropriate, that the forensic interview is being recorded. Upon completion of the forensic interview, the multidisciplinary team will make recommendations in regard to the child’s need for medical and mental health treatment.
Client Advocacy is a crucial part of the investigative, referral, and healing process. Our Family Advocates are committed to helping families navigate each step. When a child and family arrives at our center, an advocate is here to greet them and explain their visit. Assistance with questions regarding the legal system, mental health services, and other resources is provided and families receive ongoing support should they need it after their visit.
We offer training to adults to teach them how to prevent, recognize and appropriately respond to child sexual abuse.
Training through GREEN DOT is available to those in Carroll, Haralson and Heard counties FREE of charge! The training takes 1.5 hours to complete.
Check our Facebook page for upcoming trainings or CONTACT US to schedule a training session which meets your needs in terms of time and location.